Emerging Technologies

With the exploding growth of technology and its increasing role within our daily lives, new innovation, products, and services create unique cyber and data privacy vulnerabilities. Poorly applied legal regulations and compliance should neither impede nor define the limits of innovation in these vanguard technologies. XPAN Law represents companies with emerging digital and scientific technologies like artificial intelligence, biometrics, biomedical science and engineering, and quantum computing by bridging the technical science with the applicable legal analysis.

XPAN Law ably guides companies at all stages of development to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to understand the cyber and data privacy implications, including regulatory compliance and contractual liabilities. We do so using our cost intelligence model where we combine legal excellence with value-based pricing, giving our clients the edge in the technology marketplace. Clients can be confident that they are receiving value-based, high-quality legal advice while maximizing their profits. XPAN Law is constantly thinking and adapting creative solutions that work with new innovations to guard against slowing down new ideas and the development of stronger products.

Legal Services

  • Data Security Regulatory Assessments
  • Data Privacy Regulatory Assessments
  • Security and Privacy Education and Training
  • Cybersecurity Risk Ratings
  • Cybersecurity Policy Drafting
  • Cybersecurity Standards Drafting
  • Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Drafting
  • Contractual Assessments and Negotiations
  • Cyber-Regulatory Compliance Assessments
  • Written Information Security Program (WISP)

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